About Us
Bishop Clarence and Reverend DeLayne Elebee
Humble beginnings started when ministry became more than singing in the choir. We have been together for 28 years and counting. elebeeMinistries not only provides music and Bible teaching ministry, we DeLayne (my wife) and I share our talents as a team. We have had some good and bad in our relationship which qualifies us to be able to deal with some rough areas that many Christians have not been able to rebound from. We are both ministers, and we both together bring a balance to this crazy mixed up world. We understand that the Bible says that Satan was created by God as a cherub, the most powerful of God’s angelic beings, (Satan is our enemy). Sometime after his creation and before the creation of mankind, Satan rebelled against God Ezekiel 28:12-18 and it is believed that he “took one third of the angels (now referred to as demons) with him into rebellion. Rev 12:4 Want to know more?
Causey Chapel Baptist Church
3433 Humphries Hill Road Austell, GA 30106
11am Sunday Worship Service
e-mail: [email protected]